Partial Index: B
- Murphy Babb
- Steffen Babetzky
- Valentin Baca
- Hans Backlund
- Josh Badis
- Stefan Badura
- Stephan Bärwolf
- John R. Bailey
- Robert Baillie
- Patrick Bailly
- Nebojsa Bajramovic
- Nebojsa Bajramovic
- Ben Baker
- Michael Baker
- Luca Balbi
- Francesco Balducci
- Brian Ball
- Mackenzie Ballentyne
- Guillermo Ballester Valor
- Ray Ballinger
- Xavier Balloy
- Maurus Balmer
- Adrian N. Baltat
- Jonathan Balza
- Martyn Bamber
- Harmen Bangma
- Szymon Banka
- Julius Banys
- Alexander E. Baranchikov *
- Ariel BaratLeloup
- Kyle Barber
- Anton Barbyshev
- Fedya Bard
- Jelle Baris
- Doug Barker
- Ken Barker
- Richard Barker
- Rowland Barltrop
- Gary Barnes ***
- Bryan Barnett
- Jean Pascal Baron
- Andy Barr *
- David Barr
- Andrew Barrett
- Nuno Manuel de Matos de Barros Leonardo
- Pierre Barthélemy
- Ian Bartholomew
- Carl Bartholomew
- Bartlett Henderson
- Jeffrey Bartlett
- Tom Barton
- Ion Basa
- Base 4 Sierpinski Prime Search
- Angus Basil
- Antonio Basile
- Hannes Bassen
- Brian Basson
- Serge Batalov *****
- Associazione Baudhaus + Lorenzo Fortunato
- Christophe Baudouin
- Marion Bauer
- Jörg Bauer
- Gary Bauer *
- Marco Baumann
- Stefan Baumgärtner
- Wolfgang Baumgartner
- Matthias Baur **
- Florian Baur *
- Lew Baxter
- Dan Baxter
- Christopher D. Beane
- Jon Beard
- William Beard
- Andrew Beauchamp
- Christian Beaumet
- Jason Beaumont
- Bruce Beauregard
- Jochen Beck **
- George Beck
- Chris Becker
- Alexander Becker
- Joachim Becker-Bergemann
- Michael Becker
- Michael Becker *
- Ryan Becker
- Wolfgang Becker
- Vobbert Becking
- Scott Bedenbaugh
- Sid Bednar
- Pavel Bednar
- Darren Bedwell
- Peter Beelen
- Brian J. Beesley
- Malcolm Beeson
- John Beeson
- Ron Belansky
- Michael A. Belessis
- Michael Bell
- Oliver Bell
- Tomáš Belloň
- Olexander Belogourov
- Pavel Belolipetskiy
- Alex Belozersky *
- Marek Bemka
- Karel Benes
- Iury Benevelli
- Max Bennedich
- Dylan Bennett
- Gregory Bennett *
- Peter Benson ***
- Robin Benson
- Bob Benson
- Simon Benz
- Yannik Benz
- Martin Beran
- Michal Beranek
- Paul van den Berg
- Jay Berg
- HansJürgen Bergelt *
- Joakim Bergman
- Magnus Bergman
- Johnny Bergmann
- Yannick Berker
- Manuel Berlitz
- Paul Berman
- Bernie Bernardi
- Ludwig Berndt
- Mathieu Berneau
- Michael Bernier
- Luca Bertelloni
- Preben Bertelsen
- Andreas Bertheussen
- Diego Bertolotti
- James Berwick
- David Bestor *
- Iain Bethune
- Anand Bhat
- Pawel Bialobrzeski
- Steven Bielecki
- Teus Biesterbosch
- Ryan Bigelow
- Jason Biggs
- Eric Bigham
- Ivan Bileichyk
- Martin Bilik
- Andreas Binder
- Rob Binnekamp
- Gregory Bird
- Leon Bird
- Leon Bird
- Michael Bird
- Robert Birnie
- Dennis Bischof
- Kenneth Biscop
- Andrew Bishop
- Drew Bishop *
- Marshall Bishop *
- Dan Bishopp
- Art Bisschop
- Anders Björn
- David Black
- Sam Black
- Willie Black *
- Bruce Blair
- Daniel Blake
- Leon Blakey
- LeRoy Blanchard ***
- David Blaschke
- John Michael Blazek
- Nigel Bleach
- Frank Bleich
- Dr Peter Blench
- Philipp Bliedung *
- Nils Blix
- Richard Block
- George Bludevich
- Andrew Blum
- Lee Blyth *
- TomasAdrian Boboi
- Jiří Bočan
- Jörg Böddener
- John Bode
- Klaus Bodenstein
- John Bodlina
- Dmitry Bodyagin
- Hans Joachim Böhm **
- James Boerner *
- Yuriy Bogachov
- Piotr A. Bogacz
- Joseph Bohanon
- Steven F. Bohl
- Benjamin Bohlke
- Christian Bohn
- BOINC Poland
- Didier Boivin
- Thomas Boje
- Dick Boland
- George Bolton
- Karsten Bonath *
- Bernardo Boncompagni
- Robert Boniecki
- Gerrit Bonthuis
- Alexander Boogert
- Andrew R. Booker
- Steven R. Boone
- Róbert Borbély
- Máté Börcsök
- Arkadiusz Borek
- Dieter Börgerding
- Alain Borgne
- Walter Borho
- Matthew Borneman
- Yuri Borovoy
- Jozef Borovsky
- Andrew Borowski
- Quique Soriano Borredà
- Michal Boruvka
- Juraj Borza
- KaiGerhard Bosch
- Grégoire Boscher
- Adam Boseley
- Rob Bosma
- Roberto Botrugno
- Tye Botting
- Matthew Bouch
- Simon Bouchard
- Nicolas BoudierDucloy
- John Bougneit
- Peter Boulay
- Samy Bourghol
- Hugo Bousquet
- Michael Bowe
- Matthew Bower
- Gary Bowering
- Alison Bowler
- Rob Bowman
- Darren Boyden
- JF Boyer
- Martin Bozko
- Abel Braaksma
- Ed Braaten
- John Bradford
- Andy Brady
- Del S. Brand
- Thomas Brands
- Lucas Brandstaetter
- Jared Brandt
- Robert Brandt
- Thomas Brandt
- Edward Branish
- Dustin Brase
- James Bratton
- James Bratton
- Jörg Bravin *
- Jonathan Braxton
- Kenneth J. Brazier *
- Jerome Brebois
- A.J.Brech **
- Noah Brecht
- Tyler Bredl *
- Kenneth Breito
- Tallak Harald Breivik
- John F. (Jack) Brennen
- Richard Brent
- James Breslin
- Davide Bressani
- Kevin Breuer
- Dr. Robert Brezovnik
- Daniel van Brienen
- Mark R Bright
- Edward Brisse
- Rex Brittain
- Mark Brittenham
- David Broadhurst ****
- Caleb Brochtrup
- Marian Brockerhoff
- Daniel Brockwell
- Matthias Brod
- Tom Brodal
- Dirk Broer
- Dirk Broer
- Martin Bron
- Raymond Brooks
- Robert Brooks
- William Thomas Broughton
- Paul Broussard
- Eric Brouwer
- Martin Brouwers
- Yuriy Brovarets
- John Brown
- Ian J Brown
- Dr. James Scott Brown *****
- Milton L. Brown
- Bradford James Brown
- Harrison R. Brown
- Mark Brown
- Stephen Michael Brown
- Lucas Brown *
- Joshua Brown *
- Timothy Brown
- Robert Bruce
- René Brückner
- Bob Bruen
- Timo Brüning
- Rick Brumble
- Stephan Brunek
- Paul Bruner
- John Bruneton
- Tobias Brunner
- J. Craig Brunson
- Steve Bruton
- Bartosz Bryniarski
- Arne Brys
- Jirka Bubenicek
- Jonathan Bubloski
- Matej Bučar
- Daniel J. Buckley
- Jan Buda
- Jim Buddenhagen
- Ingo Buechel
- Duncan A. Buell
- Jurgen Buhl
- Joe P. Buhler
- Vadim Bulanov *
- Igor Bulba
- Tomas Bulka
- Chris S. Bullock
- Leon Bun
- Tony Bunce
- Neil Burden
- Patrick Burdett
- Justin Burner
- John S. Burningham
- Mark Burns
- Zach Burns
- Karl Burridge
- Robert Burrowes
- James P. Burt *
- George Burtner
- Theodore L. Burton
- David Burton
- Henning Busacker
- Jonathan Bush
- Grant Busler
- Jager Buss
- Bob Bussard
- Paul Busse
- Antoine Butez
- Phillip Butler
- Przemyslaw Buzak
- Yaroslav Buzko
- Dan Buzschwitz
- William Byerly **
- Antony Byrom
(The stars * after the names roughly indicate the
number of primes each prover has on the current list.)
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