Partial Index: F
- Byron Faber
- Laurent Facq
- Peter M Fahlenkamp
- Marty Fairway
- Sean Faith **
- Fausto Falcone
- Alexander Falk *
- Wenjie Fang
- Gabor Farkas
- Tomas Farken
- Luke Farrington
- Andrew M Farrow *
- FastECPP as Implemented by Morain; Franke, Kleinjung and Wirth
- Mike Faunce
- Thierry Fausten
- Benoit Fauve
- Peter Favazza
- Emanuele Delle Fave
- Robert Fazylzyanov
- Contributors to FDCPS
- Scott Fearns
- Denis Fedoseev
- Victor Felder
- João Felicio
- Johann Felix
- Vincent Feltkamp
- Andrey Fenchenko
- Ashure Feng
- Cortney Ferguson
- W. Walter Fergusson
- Jim Fougeron's FermFact program
- Bruno Fernandes
- Fil Fernandes
- Federico Fernandez
- Ravi Fernando
- Adam Ferralli
- Ludovic Ferrandis
- Antonio Ferrara
- Tommaso Ferrara
- Bryan Ferrell
- Juan Ferrer
- Marcos Ferro
- Paweł Feruś
- Andrey Fesenko
- William Fick
- Steffen Fiebrig
- Jan Fiedler
- Robert Fiedler
- Bruce Field
- Peter Field
- Jonathan Fields
- Iram Alves dos Santos Filho
- Josh Findley
- Shane Findley
- Stefan Fink
- Sean Finkel
- Sean Finkelstein
- William Finn
- Andrew I. Fisan
- Gerald Fischer
- JanPeter Fischer **
- Will Fisher
- Simon Fisher
- Riley Fisher
- Ilya Fisoun
- John Fitch
- John Fleischman
- John Fletcher
- Micha Fleuren
- Adam Flora
- Christopher A. Florin
- Jeffrey Flower
- Tom Flowers
- Jonathan Floyd
- Ernst Fluttert
- Milan Fňašek *
- Lawrence Fogle
- Nikolaus Foidl
- Виктор Фоменко
- Miguel Angel Moreno Fontan
- Jim Foody
- Tony Forbes
- Jodie Forbes-Millott
- Wayne K Ford *
- Phil Carmody's ForEis
- Michael A Foreman I
- Samuel Fortin
- Guy Fortin
- Lorenzo Fortunato
- Patrick Fossano
- David Foubister
- Jim Fougeron
- Fabrice Le Foulher
- Alex Fox
- Ian Foyster
- Mark Rodenkirch's FactorialPrimorial Sieves **
- Art Fracchia
- Ricardo Fraga
- David Francis
- Lee Francke
- Thibaut Francony
- Jens Franke
- HansJuergen Franke
- Patrick Franz
- Thomas Frase
- Thomas Frase
- Jason Fraser
- Andrew Frazer
- Mark Fred
- Christopher A. Frederick
- Rune Fredriksen
- Free-DC's Prime Search
- Christopher L. Freeze
- Karsten Freihube
- Raimo Frembgen
- Nicolas Freres
- Bernhard Frey
- Michael Friberg
- Lars Fricke *
- Walter Friedel
- Zack Friedrichsen ***
- Ulrich Fries
- Ben Fries
- Markus Frind
- Michael Frith
- Laurent Fromentin
- Tim Frost
- Daniel Frużyński *
- Mark Fuest
- Kota Fujimori
- Katsumi Fujita
- Sou Fukui
- Daniel Furr
- Masato Furushima
- Toshiaki Futaba
- Kazuya Futagi
(The stars * after the names roughly indicate the
number of primes each prover has on the current list.)
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