Partial Index: G
- YoungJun Ga
- Paul Gage
- Rob Gahan ***
- Thierry Gaillard
- Mathieu Gaillard
- Dimitry Gaillard
- Brandon Galbraith
- Brendan Gallagher
- Enrique Gallinal
- Yves Gallot
- Tony Galvan
- Kevin Gandriau
- Yifei Gao **
- Jean-Luc Garambois *
- Oleg Garbarenko
- Alexandre Garcia
- Dave Gardner
- James Garland
- William F. Garnett III
- Dominique Garnier
- Martin Garnier
- Joseph Garrison
- Michael Garrison
- Joseph Garza
- Michał Gasewicz *
- Clive Gaster
- Bill Brandt-Gasuen
- Nicolas Gateau
- Mark Gatenby
- Greg Gatewood
- Reuben Gathright
- Bastian Gauch
- Elijah Gaultney
- Luc Gauthier
- Vincent Gautier
- Michal Gawronski
- Thomas Gbenro
- Geoffrey Reynolds' gcwsieve ****
- Tull Gearreald
- Pascal Gegout
- Jonathan Gehrke *
- Stefan Geiger
- Roy Geiger
- Simon Geis
- Robert Gelhar **
- Pierre Gendulphe
- Yves Gallot's GeneFer *******
- Shoichiro Yamada's geneferCUDA *
- Les GeneFermiers
- David Underbakke's GenefX64 *
- Generalized Woodall Prime Search
- Rob Georgell
- Marcus Georgi
- Claude Gerald
- Papp Gergely
- Heath Gerhardt
- Christopher A. M. Gerlach
- Kai Gerstenberger *
- Patrick Gervais
- Raphaël Gervais Lavoie
- Dennis R. Gesker
- Luuk Geurts
- Gábor E. Gévay
- GFN 2^13 Sieving project
- GFN 2^14 Sieving project
- GFN 2^15 Sieving project
- GFN 2^16 Sieving project
- GFN 2^17 Sieving project
- Yves Gallot's GFN Search Project
- Jim Fougeron's GFNSieve
- Anand Nair's GFNSvCUDA sieve *******
- Hossein Mohammadi Ghafari
- Stuart Gibbons
- Stephen Gibson
- Mario Giebel
- Charley Gielkens
- Jerzy Gieorgijewski
- Jeff Gilchrist
- Dene Gillaspy
- Ingrid Anita Gilles
- Christophe Gillet
- Donald B. Gillies
- James S. Gilliland *
- Michael Gillion
- Steve Gilroy
- Scott Gilvey
- Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search by Woltman & Kurowski **
- Kyle Gingrich
- Kyle Gingrich **
- Kyle J. Gingrich
- Johannes Gislason
- Haydn Gittemeier
- Richelmo Giupponi
- Yair Givoni
- Jörg Glänzer
- Tjeerd Glas
- Benjamin Glasgow
- Wolfram Glatte *
- Jason Gledhill
- Detlef Gleim
- Ken Glennie
- Robert Glinka
- David Glogau
- Dario Glosowitz
- Manuel G.
- Nicholas M. Glover
- Michael Gmirkin
- Jason T. Gmoser
- Florian Gnann
- Jan Gniesmer
- Andrew Gockel
- Bob Goellner
- Michael Goetz *
- Catherine Goffin
- Ed Goforth **
- Patrick Goldbach
- Michael Goldman
- Dylan Gollinger
- Gergo Gomor
- Joerg Gonder
- Glenn Goninan
- Neil Goodall
- Adam Goodman
- Philippe G. Goossens
- Jon Goral
- Yevgeniy Gorbachev
- Oleksiy Gorbashchenko
- Silvio Gordiani
- Daniele Gordini
- Derek Gordon
- Edward Gordon
- Howard Gordon
- Daniel Gordon
- Marcin Gorecki
- Krystian Gorski
- Brendon Gory *
- Gary B. Gostin
- Mattias Götling
- Daisuke Goto
- Tony Gott
- Ross Goudie
- Ingmar Goudt
- Herb Gouge
- Michael Goulis
- Maurice Goulois
- Jean Pierre Gournay
- Tomasz Pawel Gozdz
- Mihai Preda's GpuOwl
- Edvin Grabar
- Paweł Grabowski
- Henry Grace
- Ralf Graeber
- Michael J Graef
- John Grafton
- Ronnie Gene Gragg
- Jon Graham
- Andrew Graham
- John R H Graham
- Andy GrahamOlder
- Edgar Sanchez Grajeda
- Alexander Gramolin
- Kai Ove Gran
- Sylvain Grandbois
- Sebastian Grandy
- Patrick Granier
- Dmitry Grankin
- Grzegorz Granowski **
- Anders Granström
- Daniel Grant
- Keith Grant
- David W. Graper
- Gisela Graurock
- Sönke Gravemeyer
- Phil Gray
- Daniel Greeley **
- Tracy Green
- Joshua Green
- Tom Greer ****
- Sascha Grehl
- Jeremie Gremont
- G. C. Greubel
- Aki Greus
- Dmitri Gribenko
- James S. Griffin
- Paul Griffin
- James Griffiths
- Florian Grimm
- Janis Grinbergs
- Peter Grobstich
- Jürgen Gröber
- Steffen Gröger
- Serge Grondin
- Chris Groner
- Stefan Gronow
- Steve Groom
- Michael Groomes
- Douglas Grosvenor **
- Jeremy Groves
- Trevor Grub
- Thorsten Grube
- Markus Grueneberg
- Maik Gruenewald
- Alex Grummett
- Daniel Grunberg
- Steffen Grundmann
- Jacek Grzebyta
- Eduard Gubaev
- Adam Guca
- Dirk Gudenschwager
- Birgit Guder
- Birgit Guder
- Stephen Guenter
- Jan Guenther
- Lukas Guggolz
- Stéphane Guichard
- Christian Guilleminot *
- Anthony Gulla
- Devin Gulliver
- Antonín Guman
- Klaus Gundermann
- Ian M Gunn *
- Yijun Guo
- Oliver Gurney Champion
- Gennady N. Gusev
- Katherine Guseva
- Serhiy Gushchak
- Luke Gustafson
- Tobias Gustafsson
- Oleg Gusynin
- Björn Guth
- Michael Gutierrez
- Gunnar Gütschow
- Tamer Güvenc
- Tomasz R. Gwiazda
(The stars * after the names roughly indicate the
number of primes each prover has on the current list.)
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