10999999 - 1087604 · 10287000 - 1

At this site we maintain a list of the 5000 Largest Known Primes which is updated hourly.  This list is the most important PrimePages database: a collection of research, records and results all about prime numbers. This page summarizes our information about one of these primes.

This prime's information:

Description:10999999 - 1087604 · 10287000 - 1
Verification status (*):PRP
Official Comment (*):[none]
Unofficial Comments:This prime has 1 user comment below.
Proof-code(s): (*):CH13 : Propper, Batalov, EMsieve, OpenPFGW, CHG
Decimal Digits:999999   (log10 is 999999)
Rank (*):2914 (digit rank is 2)
Entrance Rank (*):1113
Currently on list? (*):yes
Submitted:9/10/2021 22:12:16 UTC
Last modified:5/20/2023 20:59:19 UTC
Database id:132704
Status Flags:Verify
Score (*):46.633 (normalized score 4.4269)

User comments about this prime (disclaimer):

User comments are allowed to convey mathematical information about this number, how it was proven prime.... See our guidelines and restrictions.

Serge Batalov writes (12 Sep 2021):  (report abuse)
Currently, the 2nd largest known proven under-one-million-decimal digit prime. CHG proof is available at dropbox
See also its sibling - the smallest known proven one-million-decimal digit prime.

Also, a nearly repdigit prime (only 5 digits are different from the rest which are 999994 nines).

Primality testing 10^999999-1087604*10^287000-1 [N+1, Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge]
Running N+1 test using discriminant 3, base 1+sqrt(3)
Generic modular reduction using generic reduction FMA3 FFT length 336K, Pass1=448, Pass2=768, clm=4, 16 threads on A 3321925-bit number
Calling Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge with factored part 28.70%
10^999999-1087604*10^287000-1 is Lucas PRP! (55094.2968s+0.0278s)


Target "MS" has 999999 digits.
Modulus provides 28.700758689553811534%.
Right endpoint has 138978 digits.

LLL[1, 1] for client 1 has [h, u] = [4, 1] and digits in [1, 16492]
LLL[2, 1] for client 2 has [h, u] = [4, 1] and digits in [16492, 35666]
LLL[3, 1] for client 3 has [h, u] = [5, 1] and digits in [35666, 61337]
LLL[4, 1] for client 4 has [h, u] = [5, 1] and digits in [61337, 74172]
LLL[5, 1] for client 5 has [h, u] = [5, 1] and digits in [74172, 80590]
LLL[6, 1] for client 6 has [h, u] = [6, 2] and digits in [80590, 94078]
LLL[7, 1] for client 7 has [h, u] = [6, 2] and digits in [94078, 104868]
LLL[8, 1] for client 8 has [h, u] = [6, 2] and digits in [104868, 113500]
LLL[9, 1] for client 9 has [h, u] = [6, 2] and digits in [113500, 120406]
LLL[10, 1] for client 10 has [h, u] = [6, 2] and digits in [120406, 125931]
LLL[11, 1] for client 11 has [h, u] = [6, 2] and digits in [125931, 130350]
LLL[12, 1] for client 12 has [h, u] = [6, 2] and digits in [130350, 133886]
LLL[13, 1] for client 13 has [h, u] = [6, 2] and digits in [133886, 136715]
LLL[14, 1] for client 14 has [h, u] = [6, 2] and digits in [136715, 138978]

LLL was split between 14 clients.
Validated in 29 sec.

Verification data:

The Top 5000 Primes is a list for proven primes only. In order to maintain the integrity of this list, we seek to verify the primality of all submissions.  We are currently unable to check all proofs (ECPP, KP, ...), but we will at least trial divide and PRP check every entry before it is included in the list.
machineUsing: Xeon (pool) 4c+4c 3.5GHz
notesCommand: /home/caldwell/clientpool/1/pfgw64 -tp -q"10^999999-1087604*10^287000-1" 2>&1 PFGW Version [GWNUM 29.8] Primality testing 10^999999-1087604*10^287000-1 [N+1, Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge] Running N+1 test using discriminant 3, base 1+sqrt(3) Calling Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge with factored part 28.70% 10^999999-1087604*10^287000-1 is Lucas PRP! (141182.3160s+0.0107s) [Elapsed time: 1.63 days]
modified2022-07-11 18:21:46
created2021-09-10 22:16:01

Query times: 0.0002 seconds to select prime, 0.0004 seconds to seek comments.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © Reginald McLean.