The Largest Known Primes
Are you looking for the largest known primes? Lists of records? Information on who finds the biggest primes (and how?) You are at the right place! Here we keep the list of the 5000 largest known primes, updated hourly (hundreds of new primes are submitted every month). We are the world's primary source to the current prime number records.
- The current list of primes
- One page summary (introduction and a few records)
- Downloading the list of the largest known primes
- Search the database of primes
- The Top 20 Primes of Selected Forms
- Background information
- A short introduction to primes
- How do you prove large numbers are prime?
- How can I find a record prime? (current top programs)
- What projects might I join? current top projects
- Tell me more!
- The Prime Glossary -- definitions of prime terms
- Answers to frequently asked questions
- Prime Curios! amazing and odd facts about prime numbers
- Who found these primes?
- Table 'prime': 133756 entries, last updated: 1/20/2025 at 22:07 UTC.
- Total data length 12388684 bytes (average prime entry length 92 Dynamic) This table stores the list of primes
- Table 'person': 4298 entries, last updated: 1/20/2025 at 22:06 UTC.
- Total data length 875556 bytes (average person entry length 203 Dynamic) This table stores the list of persons, programs and projects
- Table 'log': 92199 entries, last updated: 1/20/2025 at 22:07 UTC.
- Total data length 17417404 bytes (average log entry length 188 Dynamic) Logs changes to the database
- Table 'code': 7376 entries, last updated: 1/20/2025 at 22:06 UTC.
- Total data length 2490708 bytes (average code entry length 337 Dynamic) This table stores links from the codes to the provers
- Table 'archival_tag': 28269 entries, last updated: 1/20/2025 at 12:37 UTC.
- Total data length 1750060 bytes (average archival_tag entry length 61 Dynamic) Tags to indicate type of prime, class rank and weights...
- Combined size:
- 34,922,412 bytes
Printed from the PrimePages <> © Reginald McLean.