The Top 5000: Downloading the List
The List of Largest Known Primes
The list of 5000 largest known primes will always be available here. You can view it and search it here! If you want to download a snapshot of the list to print or view at another time, there are several possibilities (these files were last modified on 25 March 2025 07:38:28 am). Please use the contact link above to let us know of any problems.
- all.txt
- The whole list as a printable text file! This is a large file: 510.83 KB.
- The whole list (all.txt) zipped, so it is roughly one fourth the size of all.txt: 117.93 KB.
You might also consider one of the summary pages (these are automatically updated when new primes are accepted onto the list!)
- The Top Twenty
- The Top Twenty lists is a series of pages each dedicated to listing the top twenty primes of certain selected forms.
- The Largest Known Primes
- This is a single page which summarizes much of the information in the pages about the 5000 largest known primes from introduction through list of the top ten primes of a few selected forms.
Related lists outside of this collection:
- Henri & Renaud Lifchitz's PRP Top record
- A list of large probable-primes. These are numbers that are likely to be prime, but the primality has not been proven. (The lists above are of proven primes only.)
Printed from the PrimePages <> © Reginald McLean.