Prime Verification Status

Before primes are added to the List of Largest Known Primes, they must be first be verified, comments must be checked and they must meet the size requirements.  Below we show the status of these primes (if any) that are awaiting verificiation (of any age) as well as those modified (for any reason) in the last 72 hours.  Click on the prime's id for more detailed information.  The color code is at the bottom of the page.

idprime digitswhowhencomment
1387545128 · 222919993 + 1 3919869 L5811 Dec 2024  
138667632760! - 1 3395992 A43 Oct 2024 Factorial (**)
1384556533299# - 1 2835864 p447 Aug 2024  
13875143330794262144 + 1 2001941 L5588 Dec 2024 Generalized Fermat
138764255189240131072 + 1 1101905 L5782 Dec 2024  
138761254954350131072 + 1 1101852 L5467 Dec 2024  
138759254731916131072 + 1 1101803 L6090 Dec 2024 Generalized Fermat
138756254713668131072 + 1 1101799 L5782 Dec 2024 Generalized Fermat
138753254450722131072 + 1 1101740 L5620 Dec 2024 Generalized Fermat
138752254193678131072 + 1 1101682 L5634 Dec 2024 Generalized Fermat
138755253866454131072 + 1 1101609 L5457 Dec 2024 Generalized Fermat
13876329601 · 24631722 + 1 871915 A11 Dec 2024  
13876529113 · 820289614 + 1 843886 A50 Dec 2024  
1387625292 · 820281664 + 1 820721 A11 Dec 2024  
1387601851 · 24580404 + 1 801084 A49 Dec 2024  
13876610490030 + 10309648 + 12345678987654321 · 10245007 + 10180382 + 1 490031 p363 Dec 2024 Palindrome (**)
138757(29571282950 · (2190738 - 1) + 4) · 295369 + 3 86138 p408 Dec 2024 Consecutive primes arithmetic progression (2,d=4) (**)
138758(29571282950 · (2190738 - 1) + 4) · 295369 - 1 86138 p408 Dec 2024 Consecutive primes arithmetic progression (1,d=4) (**)


Prime Description Color Codes
CompositeProven composite
RemoveScheduled for deletion because it is too small or proven composite
UnTestedNot yet tested
InProcessCurrently being tested
Probable-primeShown to be a PRP, awaiting further testing (see note).
ProvenProven prime
ExternalProven prime, externally verified
Note:  Only proven primes are accepted on this list.  These colors refer the status of this list's re-verification process only.
Rank/Id Color Codes
yesOn the list
noNot on the current list
(unknown)Not yet re-ranked
Note:  This list is (re)ranked every 30 minutes.
Description Notation
\ back-quote (23\ 45 = 2345, used to allow long integers to line wrap)
# primorial (9# = 7*5*3*2)
!, !n factorial, multifactorial
Phi(n,x) nth cyclotomic polynomial evaluated at x

Modify this display:

Include those modified (for any reason) in the last hours. (Use 0 to just see those in process or awaiting verification.)
We at the PrimePages attempt to keep a list of the 5000 largest known primes plus a few each of certain selected archivable forms.  To make the top 5000 today a prime must have 616934 digits or meet the size requirements for it's archivable form.  (Query time: 0.001286 seconds.)
Printed from the PrimePages <> © Reginald McLean.