42006214262144 + 1

At this site we maintain a list of the 5000 Largest Known Primes which is updated hourly.  This list is the most important PrimePages database: a collection of research, records and results all about prime numbers. This page summarizes our information about one of these primes.

This prime's information:

Description:42006214262144 + 1
Verification status (*):Untested
Official Comment (*):[none]
Proof-code(s): (*):L5512 : Akesson, GFNSvCUDA, GeneFer, AthGFNSieve, PrimeGrid, LLR
Decimal Digits:1998406   (log10 is 1998405.9047733)
Rank (*):316 (digit rank is 1)
Entrance Rank (*):316
Currently on list? (*):short
Submitted:10/21/2024 21:48:54 UTC
Last modified:10/21/2024 22:37:24 UTC
Database id:138671
Status Flags:Verify, Lint
Score (*):48.7562 (normalized score 38.7158)
Query times: 0.0002 seconds to select prime, 0.0003 seconds to seek comments.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © Reginald McLean.