2136279841 - 1

At this site we maintain a list of the 5000 Largest Known Primes which is updated hourly.  This list is the most important PrimePages database: a collection of research, records and results all about prime numbers. This page summarizes our information about one of these primes.

This prime's information:

Description:2136279841 - 1
Verification status (*):External
Official Comment (*):Mersenne 52??
Unofficial Comments:This prime has 1 user comment below.
Proof-code(s): (*):MP1 : Durant, GIMPS, GpuOwl
Decimal Digits:41024320   (log10 is 41024319.945318)
Rank (*):1 (digit rank is 1)
Entrance Rank (*):1
Currently on list? (*):short
Submitted:10/21/2024 21:29:12 UTC
Last modified:10/21/2024 21:38:23 UTC
Database id:138668
Status Flags:Verify
Score (*):58.0015 (normalized score 400906.5243)

Archival tags:

There are certain forms classed as archivable: these prime may (at times) remain on this list even if they do not make the Top 5000 proper.  Such primes are tracked with archival tags.
Mersenne (archivable *)
Prime on list: yes, rank 1
Subcategory: "Mersenne"
(archival tag id 229708, tag last modified 2024-10-21 21:37:25)

User comments about this prime (disclaimer):

User comments are allowed to convey mathematical information about this number, how it was proven prime.... See our guidelines and restrictions.

Jeppe Stig Nielsen writes (22 Oct 2024):  (report abuse)
Official press release.

Verification data:

Some of the very largest primes are externally verified by trusted groups or individuals and we do not reverify them at this site. This is one of those.
Query times: 0.0002 seconds to select prime, 0.0003 seconds to seek comments.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © Reginald McLean.