This number is a prime.
The palindromic prime number of games played by Babe Ruth in 1927 to hit his 60 home runs. [Blanchette]
The height (in feet) of the Statue of Liberty from base to torch. [Blanchette]
U.S. Route 151 is an important diagonal highway that runs northeasterly through the states of Iowa and Wisconsin. [Enslin]
Preston Trucking called itself "The 151 Line." [Litman]
The smallest Euclid-Pocklington palprime: prime of the form
p[1]*p[2]*...*p[k]*p[k+1]^m + 1 where p[r] = r-th prime and
p[1]*p[2]*...*p[k] < p[k+1]^m. [Russo]
The smallest palindromic prime occurring between two consecutive nonsquarefree (or non-squarefree) numbers. [Gupta]
151 is the sum of the Roman Number values of the letters in "CHARLIE BROWN", the star of the famous "peanuts" cartoon by Charles M. Schulz. [Hartley]
Bacardi 151 Rum is a high proof, dark, aromatic rum. [Street]
The total number of types of Pokémon in the original set (Bulbasaur to Mew, not counting the glitch Pokémon Missingno).
151 - 1!*5!*1!, 151 + 1!*5!*1!, 151*1!*5!*1! - 1, & 151*1!*5!*1! + 1, are all primes. Note that 151151 has the same property. [Firoozbakht]
The smallest palindromic prime that is not a Chen prime. [Melik]
The largest prime number of dollars which is the sum of the denominations of any three USA bank notes in common circulation. [Post]
Psalm 151 is not found in the traditional Hebrew text of
the Jewish Bible.
The largest mark on an optimal Golomb ruler of order 15.
Some polyextremophiles are able to survive temperatures as
high as 151 degrees Celsius. [Thier]
The arithmetic average of the first five three-digit palindromic primes. [Silva]
The smallest prime concatenated from the digits of the
decimal expansion of Watson's integral u(3). The
probability that a random walk on a 3-D lattice returns to
the origin is 1-(1/u(3)). The next such prime is with the first 59 digits of u(3):
15163860591519780181560121596814207799553870444522626765669. [Post]
The smallest decimal Goedelization of an antitheorem from
propositional calculus, symbolizing "A Xor A." [Post]
The sum of all two-digit emirps witn end-digit seven. [Silva]
The smallest palindromic prime that is the sum of the reversals of three consecutive primes: R(71)+R(73)+R(79). [Silva]
Sum of the squares of the first seven odd digits of the
decimal expansion of π. [Silva]
If you’re looking for a prime number with 1,000 digits,
even a calculation with 2^500 (a number containing
151 decimal digits) steps — which would take much
longer than the age of the universe — isn’t enough to
guarantee success. [Ornes]
The smallest non-trivial palindromic prime of the form
n^3+n^2+1. [Silva]
The odd digits of all two-digit primes sum to 151. [Silva]
The Pokemon Go game focuses on the original 151 species.
The largest 151-digit prime is a near-repdigit prime. [Harrison]
The number of puzzles in the book "Zigzagrams" by Fausto Morales, where players can construct elementary theories by applying a general rule that "every compartment must contain an odd number of odd numbers."
For k = 1 through 151 we can expect there to be infinitely
many products of k consecutive primes with whole number
average digit, finitely many (or none) for k > 151. [Merickel]
The highest snooker break in competition is 151 by Wally
West in the final of a club handicap at the Hounslow
Lucania Club in 1976. Although 147 is considered the
maximum possible, he had a free ball in the second frame
and potted the green as an extra red followed by the brown
ball, 14 reds and blacks with a pink off the final red and
the last six colours for a total clearance. [Homewood]
The primes 151 and 809 are a pair of primes such that 151
divides (2+3+…+809) = 50887 = 151*337 and 809 divides
(2+3+…+151) = 2427 = 3*809. [Rivera]
The smallest prime having 5 consecutive primes of form p + 10^x; the first x greater than 1, x = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. [Rivera]
There are 151 days in the prime months of a non-leap year. [Homewood]
Smallest palindromic prime sandwiched between two emirps (149, 151, 157). [Sariyar]
151 is the sum of the digits of the first (15*1) Cyclops
primes. Note that the sum of the digits of the first
(1+5+1) Cyclops primes is (1+51). [Worrom]
Courtyard Williamsburg Busch Gardens Hotel in Virginia has 151 guestrooms. [Hershberger]