This number is a prime.

+ The palindromic prime number of games played by Babe Ruth in 1927 to hit his 60 home runs. [Blanchette]

+ The height (in feet) of the Statue of Liberty from base to torch. [Blanchette]

+ U.S. Route 151 is an important diagonal highway that runs northeasterly through the states of Iowa and Wisconsin. [Enslin]

+ Preston Trucking called itself "The 151 Line." [Litman]

+ The smallest Euclid-Pocklington palprime: prime of the form p[1]*p[2]*...*p[k]*p[k+1]^m + 1 where p[r] = r-th prime and p[1]*p[2]*...*p[k] < p[k+1]^m. [Russo]

+ The smallest palindromic prime occurring between two consecutive nonsquarefree (or non-squarefree) numbers. [Gupta]

+ 151 is the sum of the Roman Number values of the letters in "CHARLIE BROWN", the star of the famous "peanuts" cartoon by Charles M. Schulz. [Hartley]

+ Bacardi 151 Rum is a high proof, dark, aromatic rum. [Street]

+ The total number of types of Pokémon in the original set (Bulbasaur to Mew, not counting the glitch Pokémon Missingno).

+ 151 - 1!*5!*1!, 151 + 1!*5!*1!, 151*1!*5!*1! - 1, & 151*1!*5!*1! + 1, are all primes. Note that 151151 has the same property. [Firoozbakht]

+ The smallest palindromic prime that is not a Chen prime. [Melik]

+ The largest prime number of dollars which is the sum of the denominations of any three USA bank notes in common circulation. [Post]

+ Psalm 151 is not found in the traditional Hebrew text of the Jewish Bible.

+ The largest mark on an optimal Golomb ruler of order 15.

+ Some polyextremophiles are able to survive temperatures as high as 151 degrees Celsius. [Thier]

+ The arithmetic average of the first five three-digit palindromic primes. [Silva]

+ The smallest prime concatenated from the digits of the decimal expansion of Watson's integral u(3). The probability that a random walk on a 3-D lattice returns to the origin is 1-(1/u(3)). The next such prime is with the first 59 digits of u(3): 15163860591519780181560121596814207799553870444522626765669. [Post]

+ The smallest decimal Goedelization of an antitheorem from propositional calculus, symbolizing "A Xor A." [Post]

+ The sum of all two-digit emirps witn end-digit seven. [Silva]

+ The smallest palindromic prime that is the sum of the reversals of three consecutive primes: R(71)+R(73)+R(79). [Silva]

+ Sum of the squares of the first seven odd digits of the decimal expansion of π. [Silva]

+ If you’re looking for a prime number with 1,000 digits, even a calculation with 2^500 (a number containing 151 decimal digits) steps — which would take much longer than the age of the universe — isn’t enough to guarantee success. [Ornes]

+ The smallest non-trivial palindromic prime of the form n^3+n^2+1. [Silva]

+ The odd digits of all two-digit primes sum to 151. [Silva]

+ The Pokemon Go game focuses on the original 151 species.

+ The largest 151-digit prime is a near-repdigit prime. [Harrison]

+ The number of puzzles in the book "Zigzagrams" by Fausto Morales, where players can construct elementary theories by applying a general rule that "every compartment must contain an odd number of odd numbers."

+ For k = 1 through 151 we can expect there to be infinitely many products of k consecutive primes with whole number average digit, finitely many (or none) for k > 151. [Merickel]

+ The highest snooker break in competition is 151 by Wally West in the final of a club handicap at the Hounslow Lucania Club in 1976. Although 147 is considered the maximum possible, he had a free ball in the second frame and potted the green as an extra red followed by the brown ball, 14 reds and blacks with a pink off the final red and the last six colours for a total clearance. [Homewood]

+ The primes 151 and 809 are a pair of primes such that 151 divides (2+3+…+809) = 50887 = 151*337 and 809 divides (2+3+…+151) = 2427 = 3*809. [Rivera]

+ The smallest prime having 5 consecutive primes of form p + 10^x; the first x greater than 1, x = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. [Rivera]

+ There are 151 days in the prime months of a non-leap year. [Homewood]

+ Smallest palindromic prime sandwiched between two emirps (149, 151, 157). [Sariyar]

+ 151 is the sum of the digits of the first (15*1) Cyclops primes. Note that the sum of the digits of the first (1+5+1) Cyclops primes is (1+51). [Worrom]

+ Courtyard Williamsburg Busch Gardens Hotel in Virginia has 151 guestrooms. [Hershberger]

(There are 7 curios for this number that have not yet been approved by an editor.)

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell