"57671892869766803925...(712708 other digits)...06520121133805600769"
At this site we maintain a list of the 5000 Largest Known Primes which is updated hourly. This list is the most important PrimePages database: a collection of research, records and results all about prime numbers. This page summarizes our information about one of these primes.
This prime's information:
Description: | "57671892869766803925...(712708 other digits)...06520121133805600769" |
Verification status (*): | Proven |
Official Comment (*): | [none] |
Proof-code(s): (*): | p360 : Kinne, Exoo, OpenPFGW |
Decimal Digits: | 712748 (log10 is 712747.76096421) |
Rank (*): | 4266 (digit rank is 1) |
Entrance Rank (*): | 186 |
Currently on list? (*): | yes |
Submitted: | 10/15/2013 02:51:10 UTC |
Last modified: | 5/20/2023 20:59:19 UTC |
Database id: | 115955 |
Blob database id: | 302 |
Status Flags: | Verify |
Score (*): | 45.5937 (normalized score 1.5943) |
Description: (from blob table id=302)
2^1125 * 717470361523^1225 * 170032374383^1454 * 327588278887^1498 * 221122102991^1352 * 192499586641^1323 * 684269652551^1182 * 354176879083^1210 * 842340781781^1330 * 137407263089^1085 * 16620270593^1328 * 188679136603^1234 * 356337225943^1118 * 234530008957^1559 * 183935084521^1409 * 325079508179^1281 * 906534965867^1088 * 755691875909^1467 * 439486419419^1041 * 14122385869^1163 * 492486900023^1331 * 655717891139^1202 * 806948992567^1172 * 201920825159^1259 * 183572569811^1353 * 223007788897^1577 * 217714605527^1006 * 653740027841^1172 * 793519499317^1061 * 182586829729^1266 * 468021663301^1465 * 115310583977^1189 * 11350403347^1339 * 553619128351^1490 * 281332826443^1070 * 845147656597^1084 * 697986962627^1289 * 105730433447^1093 * 519746194481^1298 * 443641926641^1414 * 631366728667^1428 * 546134603699^1061 * 179973597017^1304 * 105701101657^1426 * 37525701299^1487 * 478551817349^1184 * 554150004211^1194 * 959829077113^1230 * 458373660683^1081 * 68039447543^1458 + 1
Verification data:
The Top 5000 Primes is a list for proven primes only. In order to maintain the integrity of this list, we seek to verify the primality of all submissions. We are currently unable to check all proofs (ECPP, KP, ...), but we will at least trial divide and PRP check every entry before it is included in the list.
field value prime_id 115955 person_id 9 machine RedHat P4 P4 what prime notes PFGW Version [GWNUM 26.5] Running N-1 test using base 3 Calling Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge with factored part 34.30% 2^1125*717470361523^1225*170032374383^1454*327588278887^1498*221122102991^1352 * 192499586641^1323*684269652551^1182*354176879083^1210*842340781781^1330*137407263089^1085 * 16620270593^1328*188679136603^1234*356337225943^1118*234530008957^1559*183935084521^1409 * 325079508179^1281*906534965867^1088*755691875909^1467*439486419419^1041*14122385869^1163 * 492486900023^1331*655717891139^1202*806948992567^1172*201920825159^1259*183572569811^1353 * 223007788897^1577*217714605527^1006*653740027841^1172*793519499317^1061*182586829729^1266 * 468021663301^1465*115310583977^1189*11350403347^1339*553619128351^1490*281332826443^1070 * 845147656597^1084*697986962627^1289*105730433447^1093*519746194481^1298*443641926641^1414 * 631366728667^1428*546134603699^1061*179973597017^1304*105701101657^1426*37525701299^1487 * 478551817349^1184*554150004211^1194*959829077113^1230*458373660683^1081*68039447543^1458 + 1 is prime! (37728.3245s+1.1019s) helper 2 717470361523 170032374383 327588278887 221122102991 192499586641 684269652551 354176879083 842340781781 137407263089 16620270593 188679136603 356337225943 234530008957 183935084521 325079508179 906534965867 755691875909 439486419419 14122385869 492486900023 655717891139 806948992567 201920825159 183572569811 223007788897 217714605527 653740027841 793519499317 182586829729 468021663301 115310583977 11350403347 553619128351 281332826443 845147656597 697986962627 105730433447 519746194481 modified 2020-07-07 22:30:18 created 2013-10-15 04:50:12 id 161454
Query times: 0.0002 seconds to select prime, 0.0003 seconds to seek comments.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © Reginald McLean.