15374157179505 · 2666666 - 1

At this site we maintain a list of the 5000 Largest Known Primes which is updated hourly.  This list is the most important PrimePages database: a collection of research, records and results all about prime numbers. This page summarizes our information about one of these primes.

This prime's information:

Description:15374157179505 · 2666666 - 1
Verification status (*):Proven
Official Comment (*):[none]
Proof-code(s): (*):L2277 : Chagas, TwinGen, PrimeGrid, LLR
Decimal Digits:200700   (log10 is 200699.64988064)
Rank (*):33189 (digit rank is 1207)
Entrance Rank (*):3177
Currently on list? (*):no
Submitted:4/12/2011 16:27:51 UTC
Last modified:3/11/2023 15:54:10 UTC
Removed (*):9/3/2011 02:28:17 UTC
Database id:99511
Status Flags:none
Score (*):41.699 (normalized score 0.0346)

Verification data:

The Top 5000 Primes is a list for proven primes only. In order to maintain the integrity of this list, we seek to verify the primality of all submissions.  We are currently unable to check all proofs (ECPP, KP, ...), but we will at least trial divide and PRP check every entry before it is included in the list.
machineDitto P4 P4
notesCommand: /home/ditto/client/TrialDiv/TrialDiv -q 15374157179505 2 666666 -1 2>&1 [Elapsed time: 9.811 seconds]
modified2020-07-07 22:30:31
created2011-04-12 16:35:01

machineRedHat P4 P4
notesCommand: /home/caldwell/client/llr.pl 15374157179505*2^666666-1 2>&1 Starting Lucas Lehmer Riesel prime test of 15374157179505*2^666666-1 Using Zero Padded IBDWT : Mersenne fftlen = 32768, Used fftlen = 65536 V1 = 5 ; Computing U0... V1 = 5 ; Computing U0...done. Starting Lucas-Lehmer loop... 15374157179505*2^666666-1 is prime! Time : 1299.218 sec. [Elapsed time: 21.65 minutes]
modified2020-07-07 22:30:31
created2011-04-12 17:54:17

Query times: 0.0092 seconds to select prime, 0.0099 seconds to seek comments.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © Reginald McLean.