This number is a prime.
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Beedassy': (Click here to show all)
The emirp year that starts the first emirp century. Note that deleting the prime digit 2 forms the prime year (101) that starts the first prime century. [Beedassy]
The smallest invertible prime on a calculator display that forms with its reversal a strobogrammatic palindromic prime of form "primemirp": 1201021. The next such prime is 102181 and which forms the strobogrammatic "primemirp" 10218181201. [Beedassy]
The smallest Pythagorean prime that forms with its reversal a Pythagorean palindromic prime of form "primemirp": 1201021. [A Pythagorean prime is expressible as a sum of two squares, and its last two digits are 1 (mod 4).] [Beedassy]