This number is a prime.
A number that can be expressed as the signed sum of cubes in at least three ways: 2644883 + 3315743 - 3801933 =
23224043 - 8694183 - 22810573 = 4029063 - 2114023 - 3824893. [Rupinski]
The smallest prime such that another prime is never produced by inserting the same digit between each pair of its digits (40309, 41319, 42329, ... , 49399, are all composite). [Noll]
Take the sum of emirp 439 and its reversal: 439 + 934 = 1373. If we split 1373 in half and factor, we get 13*73 = 949 = 227+722 (a prime and its reversal). Note that 439+722 = 1161 = 934+227 uses each of the above primes and their reversals. [Bergot]
439 can be obtained by subtracting 1 from the sum of the first n primes. The smallest prime with that
property. [Silva]
Sum of number of letters in the words of twelve months and number of days in a non-leap year is 439. [Bajpai]
The largest known prime p that divides the concatenation of concatenated exponents in prime factorization of all
numbers up to p. Can you find a larger example? [Sariyar]
Robert Wadlow, the American who became famous as the
tallest person in recorded history, weighed 439 pounds at
his death.
If A = 19, B = 29, C = 39, ... , Z = 419, using the lunar prime alphabet, then 'PRIME' is a lunar prime. [Homewood]
Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky, sits on 439 acres. [Manuel]