This number is a prime.
π(349) = π(3)1 + π(4)2 + π(9)3. Note that 349 is the largest number with this property. [Firoozbakht]
The 349th century (from 34800 to 34900) is the first
without a full period prime.
Frame 349 of the original Zapruder slide set is missing.
Barack Obama had 349 electoral votes in the final election
projection of 2008.
The number of seats in Swedish Parliament. [Gupta]
The only prime less than a googol of form 7^x+6, for x a prime, (case x=3). [Loungrides]
"349" is a WordPress blog (www.threefourtynine.wordpress.com). The internet, politics, and language works like this ... . [Goins]
The numerical value of the Greek ισραηλ (Israel) is 349. [Slattery]
Every prime apart from the first can be described by the two word palindrome 'NEVER EVEN'. Using the alphaprime
code, 'NEVER EVEN' = 349. [Homewood]
349 to the power thirty-nine is zeroless. [Sariyar]
349 is the smallest n such that the generalized repunit (39^n-1)/(39-1) is prime. [Xayah]