42084...77856 (311-digits)
This number is a composite.
4 2084647103 9921686073 5633695125
4002017916 4879032993 9333780828 9316400458 0859211156 2063353926 3095667833
2860089263 2764689214 2781029206 8431272825 9968779388 3907097391 7541191805
8766731585 3207248698 4908983763 6947274880 9423007772 2494811500 9607716079
1297380581 0580968200 7119981547 9463131856 9158286049 8155533278 3778577856
Smallest Fibonacci number equal to the sum of six consecutive Fibonacci primes. [Rivera]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell