This number is a prime.

+ 8#*2#*5#*8#*9#*9#*3#*3# - 82589933 is prime. [Galliani]

+ The sequence of digits '82589933' does not appear in 282589933 - 1. [Harrison]

+ I found that the current largest known prime number 2^82589933-1 is also a self number. So, 2^82589933-1 is currently the largest known prime self number. [Kontobesar]

+ Want to memorize the number of binary digits of the 51st known Mersenne prime? Try this handy phrase by freelance math and science writer Evelyn Lamb: “Cabbages in April besmirch September asparagus. And how!” The number of letters in the word correspond to the digits of the number (82589933), and it’s easy to remember because April cabbages are indeed better than September asparagus (in the northern hemisphere).

(There are 14 curios for this number that have not yet been approved by an editor.)

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell