This number is a prime.
The smallest multidigit number that is not the sum of a prime and a power.
US Airways Flight 1549 famously splash-landed in the Hudson river. Note that 1549 is prime, and curiously, 15491152009 is also prime, which concatenates the flight number with the flight date 1/15/2009. [Post]
1549 is the smallest number whose square can be split into two primes in three different ways: 1549^2 = 2399401 -> 2399 and 401 are primes, 23 and 99401 are primes, and 2 and 399401 are primes. [Meller]
The number of different ways a quarter can be tendered in exact change using legal coins produced by the United States Mint since its inception. (Relevant denominations $0.25, $0.20, $0.10, $0.05, $0.03, $0.02, $0.01, and $0.005). [Goelz]
The smallest prime whose square (2399401) can be partitioned as the concatenations of two primes in three ways: 2|399401, 23|99401 and 2399|401. [Rivera]
The next zeroless year (2111) is the 1549th zeroless positive integer. [Gaydos]