This number is a composite.
139367847 is the smallest 9-digit number n that produces the most primes by altering one digit of decimal expansion
of n (without changing the number of digits). A set of 28 primes can be produced in this manner: {239367847, 639367847, 839367847, 119367847, 149367847, 189367847, 132367847, 135367847, 137367847, 138367847, 139567847, 139767847, 139317847, 139327847, 139347847, 139387847, 139360847, 139366847, 139368847, 139369847, 139367047, 139367447, 139367747, 139367827, 139367857, 139367867, 139367843, 139367849}. [Sariyar]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell