Proof-code: L6085

Samuel Yates began, and this site continues, a database of the largest known primes. Primes in that database are assigned a proof-code to show who should be credited with the discovery as well as what programs and projects they used. (Discoverers have one prover-entry, but may have many proof-codes because they use a variety of programs...)

This page provides data on L6085, one of those codes.

Code name (*):L6085
Persons (*):1 (counting humans only)
Projects (*):1 (counting projects only)
Display (HTML):Granowski, GFNSvCUDA, GeneFer, AthGFNSieve, PrimeGrid, LLR
Number of primes:total 0
Unverified Primes:1 (prime table entries marked 'Composite','Untested', or 'InProcess'
This entry has no associated primes and may be deleted anytime. No primes submitted with this new proof-code will appear on the status page (or elsewhere) until this code has at least one verified prime. It may take up to one hour for the system to adjust all entries for newly verified primes.

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Below is additional information about this entry.

Display (text):Granowski, GFNSvCUDA, GeneFer, AthGFNSieve, PrimeGrid, LLR
Display (short):Granowski
Database id:10322 (do not use this database id, it is subject to change)
Proof program:LLR  
Entry last modified:2024-10-22 18:37:15
Printed from the PrimePages <> © Reginald McLean.