This number is a prime.

+ 2351^ 2351 ends with the digits 2351; There are 6907 digits in 2351! Note that 6907 is prime.

2351 is middle of a sequence of 17 consecutive primes whose sum is also prime: 2293 + 2297 + ... + 2351 + ... + 2393 + 2399 = 39971 is prime, and 17 is prime.

2351 is a prime of the form p^4 - p^2 - p^0, where p=7 is prime.

2351 when written in base 6 is a twin prime: 2*6^3 + 3*6^2 + 5*6 + 1 = 571 and 569,571 are twin primes.

2351 is the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2^47-1; 2351 is the sum of all 3-digit Fibonacci numbers.

2351 is the smallest prime that is the sum of all n-digit Fibonacci numbers.

2351^3 = 12994449551, its reversal, 15594449921, is prime; 2351^4 = 30549950894401, its reversal, 10449805994503, is prime. [Noll]

+ Twenty-three fifty-one (23:57) is the largest prime on a 24-hour clock, in hours and minutes, that is also prime when displayed on a 12-hour clock (11:51) [Corrected by weihong] [Homewood]

(There are 2 curios for this number that have not yet been approved by an editor.)

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell