This number is a prime.
The smallest prime that can be expressed in the form x2 + ny2 for all values of n from 1 to 10. [Ashbacher]
The smallest prime or emirp greater than a thousand. [Gevisier]
The smallest prime whose fifth power is pandigital (i.e., containing all digits from 0 to 9). [Gupta]
The smallest number which is the sum of three distinct
positive cubes in more than one
way: 13 + 23 + 103 and 43 + 63 + 93. [Beedassy]
The smallest prime, when written in English, that contains the letter 'a.' [Patterson]
The smallest emirp which yields an emirpimes when turned
upside down. [Capelle]
MIX's model number in Donald Knuth's monograph, The Art of Computer Programming. ("MIX" equals 1009 in Roman numerals.) [Nowacki]
The sum of the cubes of the first three semiprimes. [Silva]
The smallest prime with a non-prime number of only non-prime digits. [Beedassy]
The smallest odd prime number of "hyperforests" on n
unlabeled nodes (case n=9). [Post]
The smallest emirp with a multiplicative persistence equal
to its digital root. [Beedassy]
The smallest emirp that can be represented as sum of a prime plus its reversal in two ways, i.e., 257+752=653+356. [Loungrides]
In the 2002 movie Minority
Report, John Anderton goes upstairs to room 1009,
then realizes that Leo Crow is really in room 1006. [Wesolowski]
There were 1009 distinct submitters on the website "Prime Curios!" as of Friday the 13th, 2018. [Homewood]
The smallest prime p such that p^2 (1018081) and (reversal(p))^2 (81018001) each contain all of cube digits {0, 1, 8} only. [Bajpai]