This number is a prime.
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Noll': (Click here to show all)
The concatenation of 2063 with the 2063rd prime is prime:
π(17987) = 2063, and 206317987 is prime.
2063 is the smallest prime that is the start of 6 consecutive primes
containing all even digits except for the last digit: 2063,
2069, 2081, 2083, 2087, 2089; 2063 is the smallest prime
that is the sum of the 53 consecutive non-prime numbers:
2063 = 1+4+6+8+9+...+72+74. Note that 53 is also prime.
The sum of the digits of the 2063rd Fibonacci number, when
expressed in the prime bases 2, 3, 5, and 7, are primes.
A cube with a prime volume of 2063 has faces where the
integer part of their area is also prime: 93701.
2063 is the smallest prime that is the start of 6 (and only 6)
consecutive primes whose digit sums are prime: the digit
sums of 2063, 2069, 2081, 2083, 2087, 2089 are prime,
however 2099's digit sum is composite; given f(x) =
(x-1)*5^(x-1)/5, 2063 is the largest known prime p such
that the sum f(1)+f(2)+...+f(p) is prime: the sum is a 1015-digit prime: 9734753361...0980834961. [Noll]