11917...10401 (82-digits)
This number is a prime.
11 9178452550
1486285440 1513246908 9358746730 6703332577 7942050816 1038295754 3058510401
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Poo Sung': (Click here to show all)
181 + 379 + 577 +
775 + 973 + 1171 +
1369 + 1567 + 1765 +
1963 + 2161 + 2359 +
2557 + 2755 + 2953 +
3151 + 3349 + 3547 +
3745 + 3943 + 4141 +
4339 + 4537 + 4735 +
4933 + 5131 + 5329 +
5527 + 5725 + 5923 +
6121 + 6319 + 6517 +
6715 + 6913 + 7111 +
739 + 757 + 775 +
793 + 811 is the smallest prime of
this type. [Poo Sung]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell