73205...53123 (205-digits)
This number is a prime.
73205 0807568877 2935274463 4150587236 6942805253 8103806280 5580697945
1933016908 8000370811 4618675724 8575675626 1414154067 0302996994 5094998952
4788116555 1209437364 8528093231 9023055820 6797482010 1084674923 2650153123
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Wesolowski': (Click here to show all)
The first 205 digits after the decimal point in sqrt(3) form a prime, as do the first 1 and 2. [Wesolowski]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell