This number is a prime.

+ The only palindromic prime with prime digit d appearing d times. [Beedassy]

+ The smallest almost-depression prime. (An almost-depression prime is a palindromic prime of the form abb...bab...bba, where a>b). [Loungrides]

+ 3:23:23 is the smallest prime-digit palindromic prime time occurring at prime hours, prime minutes, and prime seconds, on a 12-hour digital clock. [Loungrides]

+ 32323 (March 23, 2023) is an undulating palindromic prime prime day in m/dd/yy format. It will be a very special day for residents of Lanark Village, FL 32323. Curiously, Bascom, FL, celebrates the next day.

+ "32323 moon days alive" (2021) is an oil, ink, and graphite on panel work by American visual artist and painter Xylor Jane. [Artsy]

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell