This number is a prime.
The only palindromic prime with prime digit d appearing d times. [Beedassy]
The smallest almost-depression prime. (An almost-depression prime is a palindromic prime of the form abb...bab...bba, where a>b). [Loungrides]
3:23:23 is the smallest prime-digit palindromic prime time occurring at prime hours, prime minutes, and prime seconds, on a 12-hour digital clock. [Loungrides]
32323 (March 23, 2023) is an undulating palindromic prime prime day in m/dd/yy format. It will be a very special day for residents of Lanark Village, FL 32323. Curiously, Bascom, FL, celebrates the next day.
"32323 moon days alive" (2021) is an oil, ink, and graphite on panel work by American visual artist and painter Xylor Jane. [Artsy]