This number is a prime.
The first emirp that contains all the distinct prime digits. [Beedassy]
The smallest prime-digit emirp with a partition into three consecutive emirps (1069 + 1091 + 1097). [Beedassy]
The only known emirp formed by concatenating two Fermat primes (3 and 257). [Loungrides]
The smallest prime-digit emirp, containing all the prime digits, that remains an emirp when sandwiched between two identical prime digits, i.e., 332573. [Loungrides]
The smallest prime number that contains all of the digits and only the digits that are not in its square (10608049). [Gaydos]
The only prime-digit prime (emirp) formed from a 2-digit number, (32), following the procedure “each next digit can be represented as the sum of its two previous digits.” [Loungrides]
The smallest prime (also an emirp) p such that p and p^2 contain all digits from 0 to 9. [Gupta]
Writing 3257 as 2³ + 57² uses the number's digits with only one repetition. [Leonardis]
3257 is a prime-digit prime that can be seen in the painting "Allegory of Arithmetic" by Laurent de La Hyre. [Prisacariu]