This number is a prime.
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Post': (Click here to show all)
61 is a prime Euler number. [Post]
Figurately speaking, 61 is both the 6th (6*1) centered square number and the 5th (6-1) centered hexagonal number. [Post]
The great Topologist John Milnor had his conjecture disproved by M. Mahowald, who found S(61), the set of all oriented diffeomorphism classes of closed smooth homotopy 61-spheres is the trivial group. Reference: "Differential Toplogy Forty-Six Years Later", John Milnor, Notice of the AMS, June/July 2011, pp.804-809. [Post]
(There is one curio for this number that has not yet been approved by an editor.)
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell