10310...31313 (245-digits)
This number is a prime.
10310 3103103103 1031031031 0310310310
3103131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313
1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313
1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313 1313131313
Just showing those entries submitted by 'De Geest': (Click here to show all)
Thirteen 103's followed by one-hundred and three 13's is prime. [De Geest]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell