14790...76393 (372-digits)
This number is a prime.
14 7905612304 0493145300
2234785805 1795393169 8435676864 9611977810 3525328675 3981194621 3052691862
4189025093 2218238795 3547799656 0410449665 1908804685 1360624142 0472470681
0553327218 8759174786 3405964601 9305910076 0916194603 8677991696 5956044644
3382632799 6801243951 5568542747 0133431226 0550305897 1351701163 8304965854
9024443746 9045115636 9912693030 9386309517 5049416364 7056477232 0067276393
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Fougeron': (Click here to show all)
2^1233 + 11357801 is a prime that begins with the gap preceding it (1) and ends with the gap following it (393). [Fougeron]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell