12196...99243 (57-digits)
This number is a prime.
1219683 8531441159 4323177147 4782969173 7659049561 2218799243
1 13 139 12739 1281739 1281739243 1281737299243 12817372218799243 128173765612218799243 12196838173765612218799243 1219683817376590495612218799243 1219683817714717376590495612218799243 1219683853144117714717376590495612218799243 12196838531441159432317714717376590495612218799243 121968385314411594323177147478296917376590495612218799243
Beginning at 1 and successively inserting the powers of 3 we may form a pyramid of 'powers of 3 deletable primes.' This prime is the largest obtained in the above chain. [Rupinski]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell