68945...93920 (279-digits)
This number is a composite.
689454726 6293322093 7357945660 0107019229 2316350989 9624622147 0651742794
5268988963 4467817163 4084709543 0483793327 3971394182 9227159831 9001411603
7017398724 5861314380 0376529823 5008398209 2517105975 2119500060 6987670560
4285080118 2180218836 8821912498 7200790484 3880651836 8652578838 7981393920
This number lies between the two primes 84970 x 6^352 - 1 and 84970 x 6^352 + 1. Note that both of these expressions contain each of the digits 0 to 9 exactly once. [Hartley]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell