This number is a prime.

Just showing those entries submitted by 'Gupta': (Click here to show all)

+ The smallest prime with persistence (multiplicative as well as additive) of 1. [Gupta]

+ The smallest odd prime which can be represented as sum of a triangular number and its reverse, i.e., 10 + 01 = 11. [Gupta]

+ The largest known example such that p# ± 1 are both primes. p# is primorial p. [Gupta]

+ The smallest odd prime which can be represented as the sum of a number and its reverse, i.e., 10 + 01 = 11. [Gupta]

+ 11 is the smallest prime p such that sigma(x) = 2^p has no solution. [Gupta]

+ The largest number (coincidentally prime) which is not expressible as sum of two composite numbers. [Gupta]

+ The hour and minute hands of an analog clock align exactly 11 times every twelve hours. [Gupta]

+ The smallest prime whose factorial ends in prime number of zeros. [Gupta]

+ Great Britain lost 11 days in 1752 because of the Julian to Gregorian Calendar change. [Gupta]

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell