This number is a prime.
The smallest assigned 5-digit ZIP Code with no leading zeros that is prime. It belongs to the Financial District of New York City (sometimes called FiDi). [Baker]
The lesser of the smallest twin emirp pair of the form 10^n+p. [Loungrides]
The smallest naughty prime. It also qualifies as an "extremely naughty prime," which has all digits zero, except for the end digits. [McDavid]
The smallest prime with an odd number of digits that is a member of a 'twimirp' (a twin prime pair whose members are emirps). In this case the associated emirps are 70001 and 90001. Curiously, it is also the smallest prime with an odd number of digits that is a member of 'twirp', (a emirp pair such that each is a member of a twin prime pair). In this case, the associated primes are 10009 and 70003. [Green]
The smallest James Bond emirp. [Loungrides]