16618...18199 (271-digits)
This number is a probable-prime (likely to be a prime but we have not (re-)proven it on this site).
1 6618618899 0111896089 6908019998 9086186916 8168690600 1061880008
8108980911 1116619081 6689619109 6180690666 8890181069 8661086169 9661818099
8989806088 6669198016 8190916099 1890981808 9009991961 8800100816 0118989088
0699816191 9869898881 9090001960 6189609669 9800061910 8101199811 9199918199
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Bajpai': (Click here to show all)
The only 271-digit prime containing all of the invertible digits {0, 1, 6, 8, 9} found in the first 25033 invertible digits (in order of their occurrence) in the decimal expansion of e. [Bajpai]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell