12011...19121 (255-digits)
This number is a prime.
12011 8116114112 1101081061 0410210098 9694929088
8684828078 7674727068 6664626058 5654525048 4644424038 3634323028 2624222018
1614121086 4213579111 3151719212 3252729313 3353739414 3454749515 3555759616
3656769717 3757779818 3858789919 3959799101 1031051071 0911111311 5117119121
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Patterson': (Click here to show all)
A bunny-hop number is a number that starts with a 1, hops to the left, then a 2, hops to the right end, then a 3, hops back to the left end, then a 4 and so on. Note that it doesn't make sense to put the even numbers at the end as they will never be prime and there's nothing curious about that. This is the smallest bunny-hop number to be prime and is likely the only one. [Patterson]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell