This number is a prime.
The smallest prime number whose individual digits are composite perfect squares. [Thoms]
The smallest prime number that can be constructed by two concatenated perfect prime squares (22 and 72). [Wagler]
449 is the 87th prime. Note that 42 + 42 + 92 = 82 + 72. [Punches]
The smallest prime whose digits are all semiprimes. [Silva]
Smallest zeroless prime whose every power contain the digit zero in it. [Gupta]
The 449 Club (or Club 449) takes its name from page 449 of the first few editions of Alcoholics Anonymous or "The Big Book" as it is affectionately known by members. A familiar and oft quoted passage there concerns the notion of acceptance as the key to happiness. [Green]
The smallest of only two 3-digit composite-digit primes. The other is 499. [Loungrides]
The smallest prime formed from the concatention of semiprimes in two ways {4, 4, 9} and {4, 49}. [Silva]
There are 449 superabundant numbers that are highly composite. [Homewood]