22923...81883 (312-digits)
This number is a probable-prime (likely to be a prime but we have not (re-)proven it on this site).
22 9233239241 2512572632 6927127728
1283293307 3113133173 3133734734 9353359367 3733793833 8939740140 9419421431
4334394434 4945746146 3467479487 4914995035 0952152354 1547557563 5695715775
8759359960 1607613617 6196316416 4364765365 9661673677 6836917017 0971972773
3739743751 7577617697 7378779780 9811821823 8278298398 5385785986 3877881883
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Gupta': (Click here to show all)
The largest prime formed from concatenation of three-digit primes in order. [Gupta]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell