23571...11297 (349-digits)
This number is a probable-prime (likely to be a prime but we have not (re-)proven it on this site).
235711232 9414347616 7838910111 3131137139 1511571731 7919119319 7199223227
2292412632 6928128331 1313317331 3373533593 7337939740 1409421443 4494614634
6748755757 1577593599 6016076416 4364766168 3719733739 7517577737 9780982182
3827829863 8818838879 1191993795 3971977991 1013101910 3110331039 1051109110
9310971103 1109112311 2911631181 1187121312 1712311237 1259127712 7912911297
The concatenation of the first 114 prime-digit-sum primes
is a 349-digit prime. [Antonious]
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell