This number is a prime.
In 1951 CBS unveiled its Eye Device logo.
The year Miller and Wheeler used the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC) to discover a 79-digit prime--the largest known at the time. [Rupinski]
The year that (future President) Ronald Reagan took the lead role in the movie Bedtime for Bonzo.
The NIMROD computer was presented at the Festival of Britain in 1951. It was designed exclusively to play the game of NIM and was the first instance of a digital computer designed specifically to play a game.
Ralph H. Baer ("the Father of Video Games") came up with the concept of a game machine hooked to a TV as early as 1951.
1951 marks the beginning of the age of electronic computers used to identify ever larger and larger prime numbers. [Green]
1951 is a centered hexagonal number.