This number is a prime.
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Beedassy': (Click here to show all)
The smallest prime that divides a 7-digit number of the form p0p, where p is any 3-digit prime. [Beedassy]
The largest known prime that starts a chain (generated by the quadratic 73 - x - x2, for x = 0, 1, 2, ... , 7) of smaller, increasingly distant primes with successive gap 2n, (n = 1, 2, 3, ..., 7): 73, 71, 67, 61, 53, 43, 31, 17. [Beedassy]
The smallest prime with prime digits that belongs both to an emirp pair (37, 73) and to a twin prime pair (71, 73) as the larger member. [Beedassy]
The smallest prime that is the middle term of three consecutive numbers each expressible as a sum of two nonzero squares: 72 = 62 + 62 ; 73 = 32 + 82 ; 74 = 52 + 72. Note that replacing the first prime digit 7 by the prime 23 forms instead the smallest prime (233) that is the middle term of three consecutive numbers each expressible as a sum of two distinct nonzero squares: 232 = 62 + 142 ; 233 = 82 + 132 ; 234 = 32 + 152. [Beedassy]
73 is the only Sheldon prime, i.e., i) whose binary representation is palindromic (10010012) and ii) which belongs to an emirp pair (Pn, Pm) such that subscripts (m, n) = (21, 12) are also reversals of each other and n has a prime decomposition 21 = 3*7 that concatenates back to Pm (Carl Pomerance, Chris Spicer, February 2019). [Beedassy]