This number is a prime.

Just showing those entries submitted by 'Bergot': (Click here to show all)

Prime Numbers CD Image J. Neptune © 1994
+ From the sum of the first n primes one notices that from n = 2*17 to 2*21, all five end with the digit 7; the same as 17. The sums are 2127, 2427, 2747, 3087, 3447. [Bergot]

+ Subtract all the primes less than 17 from 17 and add the results if they are semiprimes. The result is the square of a prime. [Bergot]

+ Calculate the sum of the emirp 17 and its reversal. The sum of all prime factors of this number is 17. [Bergot]

(There are 11 curios for this number that have not yet been approved by an editor.)

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell