This number is a prime.

Just showing those entries submitted by 'Loungrides': (Click here to show all)

+ (223, 227, 229, 233) is the first tetrad of successive primes whose the digits of each prime are complementary of the digits of another tetrad of successive primes, i.e., (887, 883, 881, 877). [Loungrides]

+ The only 3-digit isolated prime concatenated from two isolated primes, 2 and 23. [Loungrides]

+ The first Carol prime, i.e., a prime of form (2^x-1)^2-2, for x a composite, (x=4). Note that 223 is a prime-digit prime. [Loungrides]

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell