24559...32361 (370-digits)

This number is a prime.

                                                       2455909081 9190706710
5656052296 7800006666 8490570584 2332392805 1220835074 2180665043 5367267333
8146773787 4165785293 5451273344 9164913935 6657508534 0832201462 5220816720
1736091856 3864741828 2634104183 9563799160 2878964330 1746208389 4635751270
2776780950 5105089977 9245225034 3169685849 3692537999 6114065593 1028496266
9871090920 2111658811 1621703790 8164705886 2786341694 8622236023 7657432361

+ As of August 16, 2011, the largest known prime number that is the sum of factorials (sum_(n=1)^(N)n!!). [Pellerin]

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell