This number is a prime.

+ NBC News reported in June 2001 that there are 571 stoplights along U.S. Route 66.

+ USS Nautilus (SSN-571) was the world's first nuclear-powered submarine. [Mostow]

+ The "Keywords" page at Prime Curios! offers a "Search our Curios!" with advanced search options that contains a list of 571 MySQL Stopwords. [Green]

+ 571-(5²+7²+1²) = 571-75 is a perfect number. Remarkably, the second expression is palindromic. [Leonardis]

+ The race between even and odd Honaker numbers is equal for the first time at 571. Is this the only prime number for which the two are equal? See PC10109. [Gates]

+ There are 571 prime gaps in the first 1,000 primes which are twice a prime number. [Nie]

+ Fibonacci(571) is prime and represents the largest three-digit index for which this is true. [Schiffman]

(There are 5 curios for this number that have not yet been approved by an editor.)

Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell