This number is a prime.
Just showing those entries submitted by 'Beedassy': (Click here to show all)
There are exactly 107 hole-free heptominoes (polyominoes made up of seven squares connected edge-to-edge). [Beedassy]
The deity worshipped by the Hindus as Krishna, meaning dark-complexioned Lord, is also known by His other 107 transcendental attributes. [Beedassy]
The first occurrence of two successive twin prime pairs {(107, 109) ; (137, 139)} whose smaller and larger members concatenate respectively into a prime (107137) and an emirp (109139). Note that the reverse concatenation of the larger members also forms an emirp (139109). [Beedassy]
Hyperpyrexia is an severe elevation of body temperature corresponding to a high grade fever of 107 degrees Fahrenheit or above. [Beedassy]