90909...09091 (292-digits)
This number is a prime.
90 9090909090
9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090
9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090
9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090
9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909090 9090909091
The smallest prime greater than a googol of the form p=(10^n+1)/11, (case n=293). [Loungrides]
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