This number is a prime.
Clearly 9876543210 cannot be prime, so why not add 1? [Avrutin]
9876543210 plus 1 equals 10^10 minus 123456789. [Silva]
The largest prime factor of 98765432100123456789. [Wesolowski]
Equals 10^10 minus strings of one to nine 1's: 10000000000-1-11-111-1111-11111-111111-1111111-11111111-111111111. [Silva]
An almost pandigital prime that can be represented as the difference of the reverse concatenation of first eleven terms of sequence 10, 9, ... , 1, 0, (i.e, ten to zero), minus the rep-digit number with eleven 9’s, i.e., 109876543210-99999999999. [Loungrides]
(There is one curio for this number that has not yet been approved by an editor.)
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell