This number is a composite.
Add the prime factors of 94 and the result is 94 reversed. [Sladcik]
94 is the smallest k such that 260 + 1 - k is prime. [Russo]
94 equals the sum 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + 16 minus the sum of primes less than 16. [Sladcik]
The smallest number k in which all the digits of k and kth prime are perfect squares. [Wu]
94 is the smallest even number greater than four which cannot be written as a sum of two twin primes. [Capelle]
(94!/49!)+1 is prime. [Patterson]
94 is the largest sequence (981270903-981270996) of consecutive non-semiprimes up to 10^9. [Luhn]
The largest two-digit number n such that n!-1 is prime. [Gallardo]
Smallest integer n > 1 such that M(n) > 0, where M(n) is the Mertens function. [Luen]
The last two-digit number to be the difference between two consecutive prime numbers (1100977 and 1101071). All other even two-digit numbers are the difference between two smaller consecutive primes. [Gaydos]
First occurrence of a repunit prime (i.e., 11) starts at position 94 after the decimal point in π. [Gupta]